Check your card reader

We will help you check your card reader and find out the meaning of the number of squares on the display.

Number of rectangles on the card reader display

Icon card reader with 1 rectangle on the dipslay

If one rectangle is shown on the card reader display

One rectangle indicates hardware-related problems.

  1. Insert the cable into a different USB port to see if you get more than one rectangle on the card reader display.
  2. Try to connect another cable into the card reader.
  3. If you still get one rectangle, contact 0771-77 88 99 to order a new card reader and cable.
Icon card reader with two rectangles on the display

If two rectangles are shown on the card reader display

  1. If the driver for the card reader is not already installed, install the software driver according to Step 1 on the following page
  2. Insert the cable in a different USB port on the computer to check if three rectangles appear on the card reader display.
  3. Try to connect another cable into the card reader, try all USB ports on your computer.
  4. If three rectangles appear in the card reader display, try to log in to Handelsbanken's Online Banking.
Icon card reader with three rectangles on display

If three rectangles are shown on the card reader display

  1. Insert the log-in card into the card reader and check if you see a dashed line on the card reader display.
  2. Open the BankID application on your computer and check if your name is shown in the BankID application. Close down the application.
  3. Try to log in again to Handelsbanken's Online Banking. 
Icon card reader empty display

When the card reader display is blank

  1. Check that the cable is connected to the card reader and computer.

  2. Reconnect the cable to the card reader.

  3. Insert the cable in a different USB port on the computer. 

  4. Try another card reader and cable. Contact us at 0771-77 88 99 to order a new card reader and cable.

More information about our card readers

Ikon information

This guide refers to card readers that can be used both with and without a cable. This card reader can no longer be ordered, but if you already have one, you can continue to use it.