Sustainable finance

At Handelsbanken, we take a proactive approach to sustainability and offer our corporate customers green loans, and advisory services for those who plan to issue green bonds.
Man tar en fikapaus på väg till sitt arbete

Acting responsibly with a long-term perspective

Sustainability has long been an integral part of our culture and method of working. For us, this means acting responsibly and with a long-term perspective in areas where the Bank can make a difference. We want to promote achievement of the UN Global Goals by integrating them in our business operations, including responsible investment and responsible lending. 

Ikon med hand som håller i värdepapper

Green loans

We can offer our corporate customers green loans – the first of which are green loans for buildings. To secure a green loan, the building must adhere to certain environmental requirements. The building must also be located in Sweden.

Green bonds

We are very active as an advisor to new and existing issuers, companies and institutions that intend to issue green bonds. We offer assistance in establishing terms and conditions, and also when issuing green bonds.

en hand med ett löv ovanför

Sustainability at Handelsbanken

Sustainability work at the Bank is about acting responsibly and with a long-term perspective in areas where we can make a difference through our own operations. This comprises economic, social, and environmental perspectives.

How can we help?

Woman and man sitting at office desk while looking at a computer screen.

Is your company interested in issuing a green bond or applying for a green loan? Contact your local branch office and they will arrange a meeting with our sustainable financing specialists.